Annette, love this text. It touches on so many subjects and still revolves around writing. As it may be obvious from this, I am very much interested in "On Sincerity and Writing" theme. The other art forms, that contribute to my writing inspirations are architectural design and playing bass guitar. However, I find people to be the greatest inspiration of them all. Cheers.

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Architecture and bass guitar? Two very structured art expressions. Are they a respite from, or do they fuel your writing? Or a little of both? I play the piano because it is noisy and physical, so an antidote to the quiet and cerebral practice of writing. Of course, the emotional dimension of music is a beautiful outlet; but, for me, the compositional structure and its impact on interpretation is of greatest fascination.

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Annette, true, they are very structured. However I do not feel that much structure in my life, but I noticed it all comes down to who do you compare yourself with. For some of my art friends I am extremely disciplined and structured and for the ones from law, finance and business sector I am an expressive and spontaneous soul. These things sometimes fuel, other times respite my writing, although I am the most inspired by my own inner workings and communication with other people. They say, that guitars are for the soul and bass is for the body. Piano is very much an instrument of all instruments as it contain bass, chord and melodies. Writing and piano seems to make a great combo.

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Why are so many interview questions focused on the mechanics of writing, such as a writing routine? A more important question is where writers get their ideas, the fount of creativity. Now, this leads to some interesting responses and stories.

This makes me think someone ought to write a short story on a semi-famous writer who makes up different answers to such questions, not to be malicious, but to have some fun. He also arrives at interviews with a macaw on his shoulder, sometimes on the left shoulder, sometimes on the right.

Depending on the shoulder the macaw sits on, different responses to questions are given. Again, he is a fiction writer with a gifted imagination around 45. Otherwise the whole dog-and-pony show would be a complete bore.

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Yes, those interview questions make me groan. Such a waste of valuable time. As for writing a short story about it, I think I should like to be that person! What a marvelous idea!

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If you write "On Sincerity and Writing" I'll write "On the necessity of lying". I also like the last guillotine idea, very intriguing and apropos.

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Sounds good.

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